Friday, September 23, 2011

Once upon a time...

Once upon a time or something like that
 there was a girl who didn't know who she was. or what she was doing in life. or supposed to be doing in life.

she believed in fairy tales, princes in disguise, wishes upon stars, magic in everyday things, humor, chivalry and love at first sight. She appreciated small things, loved literary quotes, the backgrounds and reasoning behind things, and wanted a prince to find and rescue her. She loved and respected herself and found family, friends and nostalgia a focal point.
And she smiled. truly smiled. huge grin, twinkling eyes, everyone around her would start smiling kinda deal.

As time progressed she began to lose touch with who and what she was. She lost the magic and appreciation, she stopped wishing upon stars. she stopped smelling roses. she just stopped without realizing she in turn was losing herself.
and her smile was gone. 

She realized this one day so thus began her quest to figure out who and what she was. It was a long, drawn out process at first but slowly over a few years, she began to regain the magic and appreciation she had for small things. for beauty. for love. for fairy tales. her smile was fleeting. but existent.

During this time, she found a prince. He was kind, considerate, caring, chivalrous.
 but He ended up being as lost as her and not being the one for her. So she grudgingly moved on.  Her parents divorced. She lost and quit a job. and moved out of state.

She again lost herself. So this time, she took a new approach and started to look at herself through life's mirrors. Like before, she began to regain everything.
and then She met her second prince. he was considerate, financially stable, social.....or so she thought. One day the mirrors she was looking through cracked and shattered and the facade she saw him through was gone. She saw the ego, disrespect, poverty, abuse and realized he had nearly destroyed her. she was done.
february 2008
And this time She rescued herself.

this time,  she began to gain everything all back. Over time.a work in progress she called it. Her confidence began to grow. and it showed.
she again believed in fairy tales, small things, quotes, miracles, beauty, love etc but also believed that you could save yourself. and was stronger for it.
dec 2008

One day. another prince came along. he was her everything. they were happy for some time.
 then the usual  problems came along. And then finally a baby.
 and then one day amidst the joys of motherhood and every day relationship life, she realized she had lost herself. though able to smile, she had lost all else.
and once again this prince was gone.

And the little girl who had long ago realized she was a woman now had a little princess to care for.

Thus began the new quest. To regain all that was lost but this time focus is also on the little princess as wwell as to stay positive and this time, to heal inside.

june 2011
as the days pass, her smile returns.her appreciation for beauty and small things has come back. her smile is full fledged.

and as its still a work in progress, the story is still unfinished. the quest far from complete. . . 

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